Category: Current Projects
Ethan 1 year portrait step 6
Here’s an update on Ethan’s portrait showing the progress made since yesterday. More hair put in, some shading around the eye socket, and a start on the nose.
Ethan 1 year portrait step 5
I apologize for the lack in updates on Ethan’s portrait in Feb. I’ve finally hunkered down to start working on it again. I must finish it in the next few days, so some caffeine will definitely be consumed… Get ready for a flood of update posts! Anyway, here’s the latest progress. Mostly just more hair…
Ethan 1 year portrait step 4
I finally got a chance to work on this drawing again. Here’s tonight’s progress. Ethan 1 year portrait step 4. Tonight I spent most of my time working on the eyeball and a little more shading on the edge of the forehead where it meets the hair. I also roughed in a little bit of…
Nephew Ethan 1 year Portrait
I am finally embarking on another Nephew Portrait. This very belated birthday present will be presented here in a Work in Progress (WIP) step-by-step format. I will try to post an update each night as I progress, showing the latest graphite that’s been put down. Subscribe to the RSS feed to be automatically informed of…
Artwork Added
I finally got around to moving my artwork examples from my old static pages into the new CMS. Now I can start tweaking this wordpress stuff and figure out how I actually want my site to look. Should be fun. Check out the new Fine Art section